Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am human...........

Alright, after three days of sleeping, reading, watching crap on TV, eating crap, and staying glued to Facebook to see who else I can find (can anyone say stalker?)..... I'm ready to announce that I am feeling better!!

I actually do feel well rested, my sinus infection seems to be waning, and my head doesn't hurt, but is still very tender and very oily with polysporin - I'm not sure what I'll have to wash my hair with to get it all out - it'll also be better when I can scrub it more, it's still too tender to lather it up well. For now, I'm just washing every other day until my scalp toughens up a bit.

At times like this, you learn who your real friends are and I'd like to thank those people who called to check up on me and/or offered to stop by and drop things off (some I took up on their offers, others I was doing fine and just appreciated the effort).

I plan to relax tomorrow, but resume my life on Tuesday - if I can't get my hair clean, then with my cute hats.

If my pathetic Labor Day weekend isn't a good enough reason to use sunscreen and stay out of the sun, I don't know what is....... trust me, YOU DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS!!

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