Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Wedding Singer

Okay, so because I'm single - should I not be able to go out and do the things I want to do?

I love musicals!! I wanted season tickets to the Dallas Summer Musicals and I asked several people if they wanted to go in with me. None wanted the full season, several were interested in specific shows, but not the whole season.

Well, I decided to get season tickets for just me! When I called to order my tickets, the reincarnation of Paul Lynne asked how many tickets I wanted and when I told him I just needed one, he said, "You go girl!"

So tonight was the first night of the musical season. The first show was "The Wedding Singer" and I was really excited to go!! My friend Cathy decided to go to this show, so we grabbed dinner and headed down to Fair Park.

We got there very easily and everyone was very nice. I find my seat and it's pretty great! It's the bottom row of a section and an end seat. We have extra foot room and it's pretty spacious for seating. I discover I'm sitting next to Roland and Sylvia (I can't remember her name, so for now, she will be called Sylvia). They have had the seats next to me for over 10 years and they are a trip!! Sylvia used to teach school but now works for First Baptist Church in downtown Dallas. (I was a little worried for her with the profanity in the show!) There are several other people in my area that have had tickets for years and become friends by going to the musicals. And I was worried about going alone - how silly!!

The show was great!! It was so much fun and had a ton of laughs! The clip above is from the Tony Awards - it's the opening number!

I had a lot of fun - my next musical is "Rain: The Beatles Experience" on May 6. I'm looking forward to a fun season with Sylvia and Roland!!

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