Friday, April 4, 2008

The 1980's are calling... and they want their music back!

Okay.... Heart rocks!! Those two sisters are something else!! First you have Ann, who can sing the sh*t out of a song!! People talk about how she's gotten fat and at least she has a pretty face - who cares? The way that sister belts out "Crazy for You" - I could care less what she looks like!!

And sister Nancy - omigod, she's my idol!! The way that she can play the guitar is absolutely amazing!! I would want to be Nancy, but I'm way more Ann than Nancy, I'm sad to report. (Ed.'s note: This is probably as close to a girl crush that I will come.)

But what is most awesome about Nancy is what I have termed the "Heart Kick". She is dolled up in skin tight pants, high heel thigh high boots, and a mane of teased blonde hair. She is jamming on the guitar and then she just kicks up that leg without losing a beat!! It's awesome! It takes me a couple of shots of tequila to attempt that same move and frankly, it just doesn't look as good as when I do it. I remember doing it at a work holiday party and I haven't quite lived it down yet! (FYI: Heart Kicks are in the video above at 2:11, 2:21, 2:39, 2:52. Heart half-kicks are at 0:47, 2:29, and 3:16.)

I will see them again this July, along with Journey and Cheap Trick. So I'm laughing as I realize this...... and I review my last several concerts that I've attended in the past couple of years: INXS, Heart, The Police, Van Halen (coming up in a few weeks) and then this summer. Not to mention that I wanted to see Duran Duran and Bell Biv DeVoe when they were in town. When I go to the Ticketmaster site, I get more excited about the Doobie Brothers rather than the Jonas Brothers......

Too bad I can't fit into some parachute pants and Vans.... or maybe some Espirit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't knock your version of the "Heart Kick". I have seen it (more than once, actually), and honey, it is absolutely divine!