Saturday, March 29, 2008

Smartest TV Shows.... really??

I recently read an article online that MENSA had rated the top 10 "smartest" shows. They are:

1. Frasier (I can see that)

2. West Wing (never watched it, but can see why)

3. Boston Legal (never watched it, but have been told by others to watch it)

4. Jeopardy (I'll take Nerds for 400, Alex)

5. Cosmos (???)

6. House (never watched it)

7. CSI (only watch the original - hate the other two)

8. All in the Family (love it - connects to Maude, see previous post)

9. Mad About You (really?)

10. MASH

Okay, so what does this say about me? Most of those shows I've never watched or were on years ago when I wasn't an avid TV watcher. I'm feeling pretty stupid here...... So I've made up my own list of shows that I feel are smart... for ME! See if you agree:

1. The Bachelor - I've learned I never want to fight 24 other women for a guy. And I never want to be seen on TV in cheesy dresses, throwing myself at a man, and getting drunk and making a fool of me!!

2. Survivor - Living somewhere for 39 days with no electricity, warm bed or food? Now that's just stupid!! I can't imagine how dirty or how bad those people really stink!

3. Ugly Betty - I love this show - it makes me laugh! And it has a message (I think) - don't judge a book by it's cover - isn't that important? (See how smart I am?)

4. The Office - I just got hooked on this show, but I love it!!

5. Project Runway - I've learned that I could NEVER make fierce outfits, or any outfits for that matter. I'd be "out" before I even got on.

6. Cashmere Mafia/Lipstick Jungle - Isn't it important to know that chicks rule? These girls are ballsy and I love them! Even if I'll never have cars, husbands, clothes or lives like theirs. These shows make me want to move to NYC - that is, until I think how I would have to live. :)

7. Top Chef/Hell's Kitchen/Iron Chef America - This show teaches me about food (like what's a ceviche, how many dishes you can make with rabbit, and that I wouldn't last two minutes in Hell's Kitchen). My only problem is that most of the food on these shows.... I don't know what it is, much less would I eat it. But I now know how important plating is to food presentation.

8. The Hills - I officially had a crappy 20's. I didn't have near as cool car, clothes or place to live. Hell, for that matter, I still don't have any of those things now at 37.5. Of course, to my age bracket, Melrose Place was the hope for your 20's. I think my life was way more Melrose Place than The Hills.

9. Extreme Home Makeover - I absolutely hate this show!! It's awful!! Yet each week, I sit in front of the TV, bawling my eyes out for the stories that they present. And each week, I say I won't watch it again, but I do. I even TiVo it!!! (I guess this show teaches me that I do have a heart under my gruff "I Don't Need No Man - Waiting to Exhale" shell.)

10. Nip/Tuck - Dr. Troy is soooo hot!! Me love him!! But you know what, I learned that you couldn't pay me money to go McNamara/Troy to get any plastic surgery done! I'll take my imperfect self rather than become one of the nut jobs that they work with!

Most of my "smart" shows are reality shows..... am I really that stupid??????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just caught up on the blog and you wear me out! I must get some sleep because I'm too wiped to make a run for some crack ice!
Cousin Kate