Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Best Pedicure Ever

Yesterday was a really long and tiring day at work... I've been putting a lot of time getting ready for yesterday.... and it was a butt-whipping of a day. Towards the end of the day, I start thinking about getting a beer after work. (I usually prefer margaritas or martinis, but a beer just sounded good.)

So as I'm driving home, I decide to hit my favorite sushi restaurant for half-price rolls!! Woo hoo!! I walk in and have a seat at the sushi bar. I order a Miller Lite and a shrimp tempura roll. It's so-o good, I order another of each! So the sushi guy starts talking to me, "Why are you here alone? Don't you have a boyfriend? You need a nice guy to take you out!" to which I retort, "I don't need a man to pay my bills!!" (How very "Waiting to Exhale" of me!!) I guess he appreciated my declaration of independence because he rewarded me with two shots of liquor, which I still don't know what it is!!

So after I eat, I decide to go get a pedicure (my foot is hurting - I broke my heel in the fall) and let them rub on my foot to help loosen it up. I go to my salon, pick out my color, and sit in the chair. As soon as my feet hit the warm water, I fall asleep!! Have you ever woke yourself up because you heard yourself snort?? Well, that's what I did!! I open my eyes and I'm embarrassed. The nail girl says, "It's okay, you are relaxed!"

So she basically has given me permission to sleep, which I do. The last thing I remember is her pushing back the cuticles on my toes - the next thing I remember, I snort wake myself up again and she's putting the final clear coat on!! Except this time, all of the girls in the nail salon are laughing at me! I just could die!! The girl says, "Oh, you sleep like 20 minutes!" and I look at the clock and she was right!! I could have died!!

I guess on the way home I decide to call a couple of my girlfriends and tell them my story. I was advised by several to go to bed and sleep it off, which I did.

This morning, I received an e-mail from my dear friend Kim that read:
Sushi - $20.00
Cold Refreshing Beer -$2.00
Relaxing Pedicure - $25.00
Long nap waking to the sound of your own snort and little Vietnamese women laughing-  $PRICELESS!!!!!

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