Friday, February 15, 2008

~*~ And then there's Maude!! ~*~

I think that one of the greatest TV shows of all times is Maude. I happened upon this show one night about 8 years ago while watching TV Land (I was only 2 when this show first aired!!) and I became addicted.

Maude was a spinoff of "All in the Family" (she was Edith's cousin) - we learned this at our aforementioned trivia night! Good Times was a spinoff of Maude. I mean, these quality Norman Lear programs are all connected in such an incestious web!! Think, there would be no Jimmie Walker "Dyno-mite!!" or "Ch-ello?" without Maude.....

I don't which I like more.... the theme song - particularly the montage of Maude sashaying around her house with her annoyed, dramatic, and droll looks while sporting the most fabulous 70's apparel - I mean those vests......

...... or the fact that this was an amazing cast - a true cornucopia of 70's talent.
1. Bea Arthur - there was life before Golden Girls..... what cracks me up is she is supposed to be in her 40's - she looks so much older!! (I hope I look younger when I'm in my 40's)
2. Conrad Bain - Mr. Drummond began as a dapper dressing, golf player, next-door neighbor/doctor
3. Rue McClanahan - Before Blanche, there was Vivian - the congenial naive neighbor - who knew she'd become a senior citizen sex kitten later on?
4. Esther Rolle - Maude was the birthplace of Florida Evans, who later was in "Good Times" - her husband, James Evans (John Amos) also makes an appearance or two......
5. Adrianne Barbeau - Playboy centerfold, Hef's old girlfriend, and Maude's daughter (though it is hard to believe that masculine tall Maude could give birth to such a sexpot!)

This show dealt with some serious topics: abortion, alcoholism, infidelity, polyester pant suits with coordinating vests and scarves, and of course, Maude's trademark line: "God'll getcha for that!"

Anyone need any ideas for my birthday? Season 1 of Maude is out on DVD now!!

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