Sunday, February 10, 2008


Okay, so I am a person of many talents! One of them is organizing and coordinating stuff. I love to travel and my Aunt Betty also enjoys travelling as well. We've been to Hot Springs three times together and have had the best times. We like to call ourselves "The Sigh Sisters" because we both have a large repetoire of sighs that we use in a variety of situations. We'll catch the other one sighing and both dissolve into giggles. You know how you can travel with someone and you like to do the same things and dislike the same things? How it's always easy to have fun? That's how we roll!! :)

We decided that we wanted to go see Washington DC for Spring Break - I've never been and Betty went many moons ago. Well, I get very excited about potential travel and the next thing I know I'm finding deals on flights, booking the hotel, and finding what tours and other adventures are available in DC. I'm not sure how it happened, but I started calling myself "Marthalocity." So we have this great trip planned for DC (nice hotel in Dupont Circle, great Monuments by Moonlight tour, tickets to a play at the Kennedy Center) and we are excited. Betty's sister Patty wanted to come along, so we made her apply to be a Sigh Sister and now she is a Probie!!

It's all rather silly, but so much fun!! So imagine my surprise when I get an e-mail from my aunt with this picture attached..... I love it!! Marthalocity's very own gnome!!

I wonder where the gnome will end up next time I see it..... and will I see it in DC? More to come, I'm sure......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flash: the gnome does not sigh but it does travel and is looking forward to the 2008 adventures!