Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm going to Mobile to see the leprechaun!

Sarah and I were held hostage at Cheddar's on St. Paddy's Day. Their credit card machine was kaput and it took them 35 minutes to cash us out. It made for a frustrating end to a very nice evening.

Meanwhile... over in Richardson.... my bro-in-law Mike found this little St. Paddy's gem that I must share with you:

Now I have many thoughts about this video:
1. According to the reporter, it only comes out at night and it disappears when you flash your light at it....hmmmm... could that be because it doesn't exist??
2. I do feel that the amateur sketch (done on looseleaf paper) will aid whoever is trying to find the Leprechaun.
3. What will the person do if they find the Leprechaun?

I particularly enjoyed hearing the different theories around the Leprechaun:
1. It cast a shadow (the first time someone in this story is making sense, he gets cut off mid-sentence so that we can see....)
2. It must be some kind of crackhead who has gotten up in the tree and is playing leprechaun. (All I can say is that it takes one to know one. I think there may be some crackheads in the crowd LOOKING for the Leprechaun.

But most impressive is the community member who wants people to not be afraid, he wants to help. Dressed in all fatigues and armed with his magic Leprechaun flute that was passed down thousands of years ago by his great-great-grandfather (who must be quite old) who lived in Ireland..... okay, I haven't been to Ireland, but..... do you get where I'm going here?

If you can explain this to me, please feel free to comment. Because I want the pot of gold!!

1 comment:

A Simple Plan said...

That has got to be the GAYEST thing I have ever seen! First of all, people need to get a life. Second of all, I LOVE that the reporters always choose illiterate people with no teeth to interview. Third, the guy with the backhoe looking for the gold- needs to look in his mouth- he has plenty. Finally, I think a 5 year old could make a better sketch than that...(by the way, my Dad was born and raised in Mobile...scary!)