Friday, July 17, 2009

Maude... Sick Pup or Attention Seeker?

As you know, while I was out seeing America, Maude stayed with her trainer. She loves Karen and she likes going and being around the other dogs. The other time she stayed with Karen it was only for 5 nights, this was for 14.

I figured she'd be mad at me when she got home, like she has before, but she came home, walked to her dog bed in my bedroom and crashed. She's been pretty lethargic, I have to make her go out and walk and do her business.

Last night, I had to go to a memorial service for a friend's brother, so I fed Maude and let her out before I went. I got home (it had been 4.5 hours since I'd left) and she had a poo AND a pee accident. She's NEVER done that. She was so sad, she slunk to her bed and wouldn't get out. I didn't make a big deal and just cleaned it up.

This morning, I woke up at 7:15 and had to wake her up. Usually, she's waking me up at 5 on work days and 6 on the weekends. I had to drag her to the bathroom.

I came in and got her food ready. Usually she's jumping and barking, she's very food agressive. This morning she was laying on the floor just looking at me. I put her food in her bowl, she walked up, ate about half and then went back to bed. I knew something was wrong.

I took her to the vet . She LOVES to ride in the car and today I had to lift her (heavy girl!) and put her in the seat. She seemed to perk up a little at the vet. They couldn't find any apparent issues (ear infection, respiratory infection, etc.) but they did a CBC and her WBC was 20.4 (should be between 5-16). So the doctor gave her an antibiotic.

By the time we left the doctors, she was playing a bit with the vet tech and took a treat. She was more like her normal car riding self on our way home. We came home and she went and finished the rest of the food in her bowl. Now she's napping. I'll take her out before I go to lunch - pray we have no accidents!!

Is she really sick or did she just need some attention? Or am I just a stupid parent?


Anonymous said...

you are a great mom she was sick and probably picked up something from the other dogs....Zoey and i hope she is feeling better. Zoey is curled up with all her meds, but she has a skin bacterial infection so it did not depress her personality. love you b

unt grad said...

She was sick. If Maggie, our Rhodesian Ridgeback, has an accident in the house it's because she's sick (she always goes outside- rain or shine).I know this is going to sound silly, but our daughter is the same way - if she's sick she'll have accidents at night. So she was definitely sick.