Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pour Some Sugar On Me.... 'cause It Ain't Nothing But a Good Time with Poison and Def Leppard!!

Last night was an incredible time of 80's music magic!! I just woke up and I barely have a voice due to my overenthusiastic enjoyment of the concert last night.

Laura and I stopped at Snookie's for a quick bite and a beer before we headed down to Fair Park.

We have reserved parking so we cruise right on in, get a great park and head into the concert. We get beverages and we are ready. Our seats are great, to the right of the stage, nice view, not too far back. It was hot, but not too hot. I only really got hot at the end of the evening... boy, was I glad I wasn't on the lawn. I'm too old for that!!

Cheap Trick comes on first..... didn't really do anything for me. I was antsy and ready to see Poison and Def Leppard. I did see many girls who looked like they could have been auditioning for 'Rock of Love 4: Skanks on a Bus' or some nonsense like that.

After much patience and some waiting, it was time for Poison. All I can say is that Bret looked good. Real good. In some tight jeans. He alternated with his cowboy hat and without. Big John came out and videoed the crowd a couple of times. CC DeVille really still can play a guitar, even though all I could think about was "Celebrity Rehab" or whatever VH1 show he was on. I heard all the songs I needed to hear except "Rock and Roll All Nite," but that wasn't necessarily true Poison. Did I tell you that Bret Michaels looked good?

Another break and then it was Def Leppard. They rocked. Like it was 1984. Or 1989. They played every song I love and some I had forgotten about. I had forgotten all about "Walk Away," so now that is getting heavy play in my car. I scream/sang for the entire 60+ minutes they performed. It was awesome!! Here's one of my favorite songs they did:

It was a great night, what a superb way to end the summer!! Thanks Laura, for another 1980's adventure!!


Laura said...

I had fun, too. Let's be on the lookout for the next 80s band...or even see someone current! :-O

Anonymous said...

There's more people talking that singing. Musta have been kinda lame.