Friday, May 9, 2008

Regis and Kelly, here I come..... NOT!!

Okay, so here's my story...... My friend Brooke and I were going to go to NYC for a long Memorial Day weekend. I have the Friday before off and we were going to leave on Thursday and come back late Sunday or Monday.

As you can imagine, Marthalocity goes into full swing. I sign up for tickets for Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show, and I send a postcard into Regis and Kelly.

Then life happens..... we drag our heels in buying plane tickets, the prices go up, hotels start to book, Brooke's boss goes on maternity leave, my two-job life leaves me to where I can't breathe I'm so busy......

So the trip falls by the wayside... with a promise that we'll go in December - besides, it'll be better at Christmas, right?

So yesterday I come home after a long day (13 hours) of work and check my mail. I have a letter from Regis and Kelly! Not Regis and Kelly personally, but from "their people." (Ed.'s note: If I had "people," they would have received the letter, but I don't..... never mind!)

We have tickets for Thursday, May 22nd. We are #8 on the list. All I have to do is call and confirm, then show up at the studio at 7:45 that morning. To be on TV. In NYC.

It's not Oprah, but it's damn close........ I fall into a depression spiral that only 3 chocolate Snack Packs can save me from the depths of my despair.....

So we'll try NYC in December. And we'll try Regis and Kelly, The View, The Daily Show, Conan O'Brien, Letterman, whomever..... but what if I missed my chance.......

I'm dying to know who will be on the show!! Any guesses??

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