Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You might be a redneck.......

So tonight was my third night at the Dallas Summer Musicals..... it was Cash: Ring of Fire......

Well, I did not love it. It wasn't better than Cats. I won't see it again and again! (Bonus points if you get the reference - except Mike, you're excluded!!)

Three reasons I did not enjoy this musical:
1. I don't like country music.
2. I'm not a redneck. (Ed.'s note: I did have a redneck moment when my flip-flop broke during the intermission and I had to walk to my car after the show with one shoe on and one shoe off... cue the dueling banjos!! I guess I was in the spirit of the show!)
3. I've seen "Walk the Line."

I thought there would be more of a story rather than just singing. And I will say, the group did an awesome job - they have great voices. For those of you who are Roland and Sylvia fans and wondering what they thought - they don't like country music either... this was not their favorite!!

So here's my ranking of my musicals:

1. Rain - The Beatles Experience
2. The Wedding Singer
3. Cash: Ring of Fire

Next week is an oldy but a goody...... CATS!!

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