Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cleaning before the maid arrives - what is up with that?

One of the gifts that I gave myself with my new job was to have a maid come monthly to clean. Since I live alone, I thought if they came once a month, I could spot clean throughout the rest of the month and still be able to enjoy the extra time spent not cleaning. I have to admit, it has been great!! There's nothing like leaving for work and coming home to a clean house. I love it!!

So, she comes every four weeks on Wednesday, and tomorrow is her Wednesday. So what will I spent tonight doing? Picking up, taking out trash, doing laundry.... all those things that she COULD do, but I'd rather her clean. It's just silly - I do this every month - clean before the maid cleans.

What about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the answer...have the gal come every week like I do mine rather than once a month. Although, I still admit to some cleaning before the cleaning.