Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Break '08-'09 in Review

Tomorrow I go back to work after a wonderful two week break. I do feel rested and ready to deal with my job - I wonder how long before my job has me too stressed out?? ;)

So I'm going to go through my to-do list and see how well I did:

* Finish reading books to get to my 50 for the year - this gets red because I did not complete this task - I read 44/50. But I will get 50 read in 2009 - mark my word!

* Go by school and pick up all of my plants and flowers that I couldn't carry out today - I did do this. I also went by and dumped my recycling and did a few things in my office one day because I wanted to!! Don't get me wrong, I still have PLENTY to do tomorrow - I'm hoping we get an ice day because I could do all of it from home in my pj's - how awesome would that be??

* Clean out my Tivo - I think I have a few movies on there and the entire season of 30 Rock while I get caught up with Seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix. BUT... I am caught up on all of my shows and started some new ones, including Confessions of a Teen Idol today and Nip/Tuck on Tuesday. I will NOT watch the Bachelor because Jason has beady eyes and he looks freaky when he smiles. They also talk about what a great dad he is - but he left his kid once for 8 weeks only to get dumped by DeAnna - so what does he do? Decides to leave his kid for another 8 weeks while he's a ho and probably still won't find love. UUGGHHH!!!!

* Christmas shopping - haven't even started, not even sure what to get people..... yikes.... - bought, wrapped, delivered..... I believe most customers were satisfied.

* Scrapbook my last three trips - well..... sorta? I got Thanksgiving done. I haven't done summer, but I do have 3/5 days of our DC trip done. This gets a yellow because it was started, but not finished.

* Create my calendar pages and get those mailed out - um, no..... so Betty, Jennifer, and Brooke..... I'm working on it and I hope to have at least January and February to you by the end of the week..... the rest of the year is coming.......

* Pick up box of checks that has been sitting at the bank for at least a month now...... - mission accomplished!! And I did two months worth of balancing my checkbook and all of my bills are paid up...... it's nice to have that done!!

* Get my 02 sensor fixed on my car and hope that's the end of my car troubles - yes!! A million thanks to David for doing this for me..... my car is working great, I'm thrilled!! :)

* Clean out my office closet and go through my clothes - another yellow one here. My bedroom closet and hall closets were cleaned and a bunch of junk was dumped. My office, I didn't even start on - this will be my MLK weekend project - it will probably take all 3 days!!

* Catch up with some friends that I haven't seen in a while - I did this. I had lunch with Sandra, my college roommate for 1.5 years after not having seen her in 11 years. We had a great lunch and I hope that we get together more often. I also had brunch today with Duce, an old friend from elementary school. We "went" together for a bit in 5th grade - I probably haven't seen him in 24 years, it was a lot of fun!! I also just got to hang out with friends and have fun - something I hadn't been doing too much of in the past month or two.

* Blog about my Thanksgiving trip and post some photos - nope.... and do you really care? I'm over it.... I'm on to my next trip - Spring Break B&B Spa Weekend in Hot Springs!! 10 weeks to go!!

All-in-all, a pretty productive two weeks off!! Woo hoo!!

Have a great first day back at work tomorrow!! :)

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