Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

It's the first day of a brand new year...... it's always full of promise and hope.

Part of that is making resolutions.... I'm not very good at doing this - I tend to make this ridiculous grandiose resolutions that I can't maintain past the first few weeks of the year. So this year, I'm not doing resolutions - I'm doing New Year's Suggestions.... I'm hoping that I'll do these and maybe I will, but if I don't, I won't go into the shame spiral that I have in years past......

Suggestion #1
Increase my physical health - this includes exercising more and eating less. (Ed.'s note: Notice I don't say diet? I will surely fail if I do.) In addition, I will go to my regularly scheduled doctor wellness exams instead of waiting for something to be wrong with me to get medical attention. If our body is a temple, then my temple is in need of one massive Extreme Home Makeover and this is the year it's gonna happen. (Especially if Ty comes with it!)

Suggestion #2
Increase my mental/emotional health - this includes writing in my gratitude journal DAILY and not just when I'm drunk and in the "I love everyone" mode. Having good relationships with clear boundaries is also important. Making sure I don't sloth too much and interact with society (besides through the computer) will be a focus too. (Ed.'s note: One of my two biggest fears in life is to grow up and become the "crazy cat lady." Technically, I won't - since I'm allergic to cats - but you get the drift of where I'm going here. My other fear is that I'll die alone and no one will find me for weeks and it'll be all over the news and crap. If you are my friend, I know you won't let that happen to me, right?)

Suggestion #3
Read for pleasure, knowledge, and growth - both personal and professional. My goal will be 50 books again this year and I hope to reach it. I enjoy books from all genres and will continue to read a variety of materials so that I continue to be the awesome trivia partner that I am.

Suggestion #4
Instead of talking about it, do it. I've wanted to see Mount Rushmore and South Dakota, so I'm going. No more shouldas, wouldas, couldas... if it's possible, then I will work toward it. This includes travelling, developing my photography habit (I'd like to take a class to learn more), and trying new things and meeting new people.

Suggestion #5
Quit bitching about my age. So what if I'm going to be 39 (gulp) this year? I don't think I look my age and I don't think I act my age. I'm going to embrace my age (gulp) and be grateful that I'm young, healthy and able to do what I want to do. So if you hear me talking about how old I am or bemoaning my upcoming birthday, please throw the bullshit flag on me.

Also, as like a Suggestion #5, Part B.... I'm going to quit bitching about being single and alone. Who cares? Maybe I'm one of those people who will always be single? Maybe not..... maybe Mr. Right got lost and hasn't found me yet.... maybe not..... who knows? I'm a cool person and if it's supposed to happen, it will... but until then, I'm just going to focus on my five suggestions so that when/if he comes along, I'm not some kind of neurotic freak that he takes one look at and says, "Forget her!!"

I think these things are enough to keep me busy for 2009. I don't foresee any big life changes this year, so I'm hoping I can focus on these and make them happen.

I wish you the best on your resolutions for 2009. Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

unt grad said...

I love the idea of suggestions. I think I'm going to create some for myself. Happy New Year and good luck on your suggestions.

BTW: The word identification I had to type in looked a lot like "urd shit". If you glance at it, that is what it looks like. I have no clue what the "urd" would be, but hey it was funny.