Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it a curse, a random coincidence, or a chance to bring us all closer together?

If you read this blog with any regularity, you know that I'm a principal of a brand new school that opened in August. Being a first year principal is tough. Opening a brand new school is tough. Being a first year principal while opening a new school is really tough. Being a first year principal while opening a new school while dealing with some serious trauma is almost impossible.

Here's my argument:
  1. In August, one of my teachers finds out her husband has testicular cancer. He has surgery and treatment, and is doing well now. But she missed half days several days a week to take care of him which made for a hard start of the year for both her and her class.
  2. In October, one of my teachers falls down and thinks she's just sprained her ankle. Turns out after three weeks, we find out she's broken her foot and leg and that walking on it has really messed it up. So she has extensive surgery and is out of commission from mid-November until we return in January. She's back and doing well, but still trying to use her foot and waiting to get closer to 100% recovery.
  3. In November, my secretary's husband falls off a roof in a freak accident, spends 25 days in ICU, and passes away. The loss is just unbearable. I've blogged about my friend Richard and just need to say that I miss him.
  4. Over the break, one of my teachers' husbands has a heart attack. They were able to do surgery and he is doing well now, thank goodness.
  5. In January, one of my pregnant teachers goes to the doctor because her blood pressure is high. She ends up having peripartum cardiomyopathy (not sure if that's right) and ends up in ICU (same one that Richard was in two months ago). She spends a week in the hospital and they end up taking the baby today. Mom and baby are both doing well - thank you so much, God!!
  6. My assistant principal is on maternity leave from this week until March 23. She had a beautiful healthy baby girl, but the fact that I don't have any backup for the next 8 weeks makes me very nervous. I have to do it all and it makes me tired just thinking about it. I have to work this weekend, and I fear that this will be like last year when I was working on the new school, I worked every weekend and was lucky for one day off a week for me. But I'll suck it up... if it doesn't kill me, it makes me stronger.

So what do you think? Is my new school cursed? Is it just a random coincidence that these things happened and that we were all brought together for them? Or is this just a chance for our staff to really connect and bond for long haul?



Leon said...

You've still got your Nyquil!

Leon said...

I'm sure it's a coincidence, we all have them. Yours seem to be more severe than most but still just a coinky dinky. You're correct that they will all make you stronger. And, you're in the second semester, almost a seasoned veteran sophomore principal.

Valerie Chamberlain said...

Martha that is just insane!!! I can't imagine all that happening in such a relatively short time period at your brand new school, on your brand new watch as principal! I'm thinking I'll never apply to work for you... ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I am thinking you need to hire me as your counselor!!!!! I will help you! :)


Anonymous said...

You didn't mention the water many pregnant people are in our school??? :) I think you need to hire a certified teacher to float around for the year for our the different issues we are having. I honestly think it has made our staff closer. No one has the time nor energy to complain/start drama, because we are worry about the health of others.