Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebookers Anonymous.........

My friend Janan sent me a link to a great online blog story about Facebook addiction. Now, I've been on Facebook since August and I've reconnected with a lot of great people - it's been a lot of fun! But some people think that I'm addicted..... and I don't know, maybe I am.....

According to Tara Stiles at the Huffington Post, here are the 10 signs that you are a Facebook addict. Check yourself against the list.......

10 warning signs that you may be addicted to Facebook
1. Facebook is your home page.
Score: +0 (Facebook isn't my home page; but honestly, that's just because I hadn't thought about doing it!!)
2. You update your status more than twice a day.
Score: +1 (I do this alot, I even play games with my friends where we make fun of people who keep the "is" in their status even when it is not appropriate!!)
Total Score: 1
3. You have over 500 "friends" half of whom you've never actually met.
Score: +0 (I have 384 friends, I know all of them except maybe 6. I've even had 2 friends that I knew "un-friend" me - one because I wasn't church going and I have no idea about the other.)
Total Score: 1

4. As soon as you step away from your computer you're on FB on your phone.
Score: + 1/2 (I wouldn't say as soon as I step away, but it's pretty damn close. I'm constantly checking my phone for status updates and messages.)
Total Score: 1.5

5. You are a FB stalker. You qualify as a FB stalker if you
a) click on someone's profile more than once a day even if they haven't messaged or tagged you in a photo.
b) have dragged and dropped more than 3 FB photos (not from your own profile)
c) actually go to a place mentioned on someone's page in hopes of seeing them in real life...creepy!
Score: +1 (I've done A, never done B or C. I know that's bad!!)
Total Score: 2.5

6. You change your profile picture more than a 12-year=old girl.
Score: +0 (I don't really change my profile except for holidays... maybe!)
Total Score: 2.5

7. You have checked your FB page while reading this article.
Score: +1 (I had to check it to see how many friends I have... then I saw a wall comment that I had to reply to......)
Total Score: 3.5

8. You clean up your "wall" so it looks like you spend less time on FB.
Score: +0 (What you see is what you get!!)
Total Score: 3.5
9. You are a member of more than 10 groups and respond to every event invitation "attending" even if you have no intention of going.
Score: +0 (I belong to 36 groups (I know, I know), but I mostly put maybe for attending.)
Total Score: 3.5

10. You change your relationship status just to mess with people.
Score: +0 (My status is pretty solid, so that wouldn't do anything to mess with anyone!!)
Total Score: 3.5

So am I addicted?? Discuss..... and more importantly, are YOU addicted?


A Simple Plan said...

You should get some points for #9! Also, people are giving up Facebook for Lent. That's pretty scary!

Anonymous said...

Martha, I think you should change your status and see what reaction you get. It would be first class entertainment!!!