Friday, June 26, 2009

Being Sick Sucks........

So it's my last day at work... summer is so close, I can almost taste it!!

Our network goes down, which makes me panic at first, but then I'm okay with it. I clean out the drawers in my office and get some paperwork done that I've been lollygagging on, so I'm feeling good about productivity.

My friend Melissa comes to have lunch with me and to see the school. She brings Subway. The same sandwich I get every time I go to Subway. No big deal, right? Melissa and I eat and catch up - we used to work together and I just miss her personality. She's a great person, so it was a lot of fun to visit.

I wrap up the day and then head home before going to the foot doctor for another injection for my jacked up foot. I go the doctor, get my shot, and head home.

I'm really hot and feeling kinda puny, but I think it's because of this oppressive heat. I lay down in my dark bedroom under the cool fan, thinking a few minutes here will make everything feel better.

Yeah, right.........

For the next 5 hours, I vomit, I do the other end.... it was awful..... Maude was scared and wouldn't come near me.... probably because I looked like the Excorcist! Finally, around 10, I stop the insanity and pass out. Friday, I wake up and I still feel horrible.

I have a hair appointment... come hell, high water, or food poisoning, I'm going. Afterwards, I spent the rest of the day in bed, sick. I have a horrible headache, I just feel awful. As the night wears on, it gets worse. I decide maybe I need to go to the doctor, so I go to Primacare and it's closed. So I decide I'm just gonna go to the ER. I head to the hospital, and I'm able to get in. They hook me up to an IV for two bags of fluids and send me home. I take some Ibuprofen and get some Gatorade.

I hope that I get well enough for my b-day and my trip to South Dakota......

1 comment:

Laura said...

It stinks that you got so sick! I don't know how you feel right now, but I think you'll be tons better by your departure on Tuesday!