Friday, June 5, 2009

School's Out For Summer!!

Well, I did it!! I survived my first year as principal!! School ended today at 11:30 for the kids - the teachers had the afternoon to start tying up their loose ends so they can head home for the summer.

In retrospect, it was a great year. We faced many challenges, but our kids succeeded and our teachers excelled. I'm proud of everyone involved.

It was nice to go to Happy Hour today with some teachers - it had been too long since I had done that. Good to have a Coke and laugh with your co-workers.

Monday is the teachers' last day. Then I leave Tuesday to spend the week in Austin at TEPSA. After that, I'll work through June 30th, but it'll be quiet with just Misty and me.

Happy Summer, everyone!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy deserve it. Huffdaddy