Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Fighter

Apparently, I am on a roll when it comes to the movies. (I saw 7 during Christmas break!) And of course, when I get my Entertainment Weekly with the 25 movies I need to see before the Oscars (and I've only seen 8), I realize I have some more work to do!!

I love Marky Mark - and I think he's a pretty decent actor. I saw him on Ellen and I know he put a lot of time (years) and effort in preparation for this movie. It showed. But I think Christian Bale may have stole the show.

Micky (Wahlberg) is a fighter from Lowell, MA who isn't making much of his career. His mother and brother Dickie (Bale) don't do a great job of managing him and he keeps ending up in bad situations. He has an offer to go and train in Vegas, but turns it down to be with his family.

Dickie was famous for a fight he had with Sugar Ray like 10 years earlier, but now he is an unreliable junkie. Micky starts training with others but can't be around Dickie.

Throughout this, he has his girlfriend, played by Amy Adams. I was kind of impressed at how good Adams was at playing a low rent kind of girl.

The story is good and the acting is compelling. I can see why it's getting nominations and being recognized. It was one of my favorite movies that I did see on my break and I would highly recommend it to others.

Mo's Review:
The Fighter (2010): 5 out of 5 stars

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