Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blue Valentine (2010)

I'm on a mission to see as many of the Oscar-nominated movies as I can. I do this every year, but this may be the first year that I'm actually ahead of the curve!

Being new to the Austin area, I am still learning my way around town, so I was glad to find the Regal Arbor 8 Cinema - this is where the more artsy films are shown in Austin (kind of like the Angelika in Dallas). (Ed.s Note: If there are other theatres like this in Austin, I would like to know - I love artsy movies!)

Blue Valentine stars Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling as a married couple. It's like a side by side story - one side is their coming together and falling in love, the other side is the unraveling of their marriage. These two sides go back and forth throughout the movie until at the end, you have a full understanding of their relationship.

It's not a feel good movie and it's hard to watch at times. Having never been married... if that is what being married is like, then I'm perfectly content to stay single. However, Williams and Gosling are excellent in their roles. What I liked most about this movie is that I kept coming back and thinking about for several days, which is why it took me a few days to blog about it.

If you like character studies and don't mind dark - this is a great movie. Not my favorite movie I've seen, but a good one nonetheless.

Mo's Review:
Blue Valentine (2010): 4 out of 5 stars

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