Thursday, January 20, 2011

You Can't Make This Shit Up

So I was running late to work the other morning (not sure I should mention that on here, huh?) and I was watching Good Morning America.

They had a lady who was on because a security camera video of her texting and then falling into a fountain had gone viral on You Tube. You can see the video here.

So she was on Good Morning America because she was so embarrassed and they were considering SUING. SUING? Why? Because you were an idiot and you didn't pay attention and fell into the fountain?

The plot thickens when it's later revealed that she's been arrested for identity theft and theft of credit cards. She actually left Good Morning America to go for a court appearance on the theft charges......

She's so worried about her feelings after falling in the fountain - but does she even consider the feelings of those that she has stolen from?

People never cease to amaze me....

1 comment:

unt grad said...

She's only suing because she's embarrassed that she was caught on video falling into a fountain while texting, and then it went on the Internet. It's just like toddlers when they fall, they look around to see who's looking. If no one is, they get up and move on. If someone is, they start to cry because someone saw them fall. Amazing!