Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

A belated happy holidays to all!!

I did it again..... I started blogging strongly, then I ended the last two months without a word. It's been a busy fall and early winter here. I've meant to do a lot of things, but I've been hosting company, travelling, and getting to know both Bastrop and Austin better.

This is a big year...... travels (Philly, NYC, Charleston, Memphis, The Keys), school (waiting to hear if I get into the Ph.D. program and starting my superintendency classes at Texas State), work (continuing to work with teachers and students to improving our school), and personal (friends to make and enjoy, spending time with family, books to read, movies to see, sushi to eat, ).

Each year, I promise to do a better job with blogging and I will continue to do that. I do think that things are finally settling here and it feels good.

(Ed.'s Note: Notice I'm ignoring all of the talk about resolutions. My resolution for 2011? No resolutions!! Or actually, just to live the hell out of each day!!)

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