Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Tonight, I went to dinner and to see Mamma Mia! with my friend Pam. I did my student observation in Pam's 4th grade class 16 years ago. She is an amazing teacher and many of my good ideas I took from my time in her room. I'm amazed (and blessed) that we've kept in touch this long. We only get together maybe 1-2 times a year, but it's like we just pick up where we left off and we have so much fun!

So.... Mamma Mia!? Loved it!! It was so much fun - I caught myself singing along to the ABBA songs over and over. Now, are the actors the best singers? No...... but I don't think any of them have ever claimed to be......

I had many favorite parts, but I loved the closing credits - make sure that you stick around for that - you don't want to miss it!!

This is a great fun movie to go see with friends! Enjoy!!

(Ed.'s Note: Danyielle and I are going to see the musical in September at the Bass Performance Hall in Ft. Worth. I struggled with seeing the movie - thinking I might want to see the musical first. But then I decided that I wanted to see the movie on the big screen, not on Netflix. So I'm excited knowing that I'll get to see the musical soon!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome movie! I have seen it 3 times now and definitely plan to buy it. I agree about the singing, but ya gotta love Meryl Streep in this!!! And I knew every song...scary thing is I've been singing Mamma Mia every since first seeing it and can't get it out of my head!