Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Don't Talk to Strangers.... unless it's Rick Springfield!!

Karma is shining down on me despite this work week from hell. Laura e-mails me to let me know that Rick Springfield will be in town on October 25 and would I be interested in going?

Interested? Hell, yeah!!

Her next question is do I want to cheapie seats for $38 or am I willing to pay the top price of $100? Okay, I'm all about the $100 seats!! The closer I am to Dr. Noah Drake the happier I'll be......

And of course, I have to post a video for your enjoyment so you can see what you'll be missing.

I'm gonna be loving me somebody when I see Rick on October 25th - woo hoo!!

1 comment:

Leon said...

School board meeting that night, sorry.