Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a Whole New Kind of Crack!!!!

Okay, have any of you done Facebook? I joined on Saturday, primarily to connect with my class for our 20th High School Reunion in October. It's like myspace, but not as junky - it seems a little more grownup. (if that is possible!)

So you collect friends and post messages just like on Myspace. This has become an obsession of mine. For example, tonight I spent 2 hours on there, messaging friends, adding friends, and requesting new friends to add me. It was crazy!! I found my elementary school crush and several of my friends from elementary and junior high school.

If you haven't done it, you should!! But put yourself on a limit or you'll waste away an entire Monday night finding and connecting with old friends!

PS - If you are on Facebook, find me and let's be friends!!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I've heard this BS about Facebook being more "grownup" than Myspace and I am baffled about why anyone thinks that. It constantly wants you to send red wine, get a growing flower, a teddy bear add games and assorted cutesy-pooh garbage.

How is this grownup?! It's like kindergarten!

Mo said...

John, Tell me how you really feel!!!

PS - Next time you are on Facebook, can you send me some flair? ;)