Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update on my 50 Book Goal!!

Well, nothing fun or exciting has happened the last couple of days (just work, sleep, running errands, paying bills, cleaning house, bleh!!), so I decided to update you on my reading goal.

As many of you know (and you can see on the right hand margin of my blog), my goal is to read 50 books this year. And at the beginning of the summer, I was a little disappointed at my paltry efforts thus far. As of June 1st, I had read only 12 books. There was no way I was going to make my goal. I knew I needed to get reading in June and July if I had any chance to redeem myself.

Here are my totals:
January-May: 12 books
June: 4 books
July: 9 books (c'mon, I know you are impressed!!)
Grand Total: 25 books

25 books!?!?! I read more in June and July than I did the first five months of the year! I'm halfway to my goal - you have to be impressed!! I mean, how many books have YOU read this year? hehe

Now, it's August 10, and I'm still on my first August book. So I have 24 more books to read - that's almost a book a week. I need to quit picking up 400+ page books, but I can't help it!

I figured out I need to read 5 books a month or a book a week if I'm going to make my goal........ yikes, that's a tall order with my new work responsibilities!

So does anyone think I can make my goal? I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a chance in hell. You're doomed just like the rest of us. On the bright side, it's almost festivus!!