Saturday, February 6, 2010

An Education (2009)

In my efforts to get myself out and about and not be cooped up all weekend long, I decided to treat myself to "An Education" at the Angelika this morning. I had wanted to see it when it was at the theatres before, but it left before I could. Since it's nominated for 3 Oscars (Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Actress), it's been re-released in theatres, so I was able to get out and see it.

Carey Mulligan is fabulous as Jenny, the schoolgirl with her eyes set on Oxford. She is working hard (but struggling in Latin) and dating the gawky but cute Graham. Suddenly, she meets the much older and charming David (Peter Sarsgaard), who shows her world much different than her own. Jenny then struggles with what is more important, her schooling or pursuing a life with David.

Peter Sarsgaard reminds me of John Malkovich, with a distinctive voice and an ability to be drawn into his character, even when you are doubting his intentions. Emma Thompson plays the headmistress, who frowns upon Jenny's choices, trying to make her see the importance of being self-sufficient. Olivia Williams (I couldn't figure out where I had seen her before, but she was in Rushmore) plays Miss Stubbs, one of Jenny's teachers who understands what Jenny is going through and want to help her, despite the mistakes she may have made.

I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to anyone. However, I would not recommend the three elderly ladies who talked throughout the movie and dropped their canes, making a loud crash and scaring the shit out of all of us in the theatre.

Mo's Review:
An Education (2009): 5 out of 5 stars

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