Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moving from 39 & Flab to 40 & Fab!

In case you hadn't heard, I'm turning 40 in June. (hehe) And I'm going to NYC to celebrate with some girlfriends.

I'm not healthy. I'm fat. I don't exercise. I haven't had a physical in probably 7 years.

So as I prepare for 40, I want to be healthier when I turn 40 than I was at 39. I have appointments scheduled with doctors for most of my Spring Break, so I can get checked from head to toe and make sure I'm in perfect working order - or find out what I need to do so I can be.

We started Weight Watchers today at our school. My awesome AP coordinated it, so they come to our school to weigh us and do the meetings. We have 20+ people in our group from our school and around the district. Our superintendent is also part of our group! It's great to have people locally who can help us be accountable.

I'm really ready to get fit. I don't care about how much I weigh, as long as I'm healthy and can do what I want to do physically. I'll know when I'm where I need to be.

And guess what I bought?? The Shake Weight!! It was $19.99 at Target and you get a $5 Target gift card for buying it. (Thanks Heidi for the heads up!!) Six minutes a day to better toned arms - woo hoo!! I'll also be walking and doing some exercise DVDs too.

I'll post on here my progress, but you may NOT judge!! And if you know any great WW tips or recipes, please share. I have a freezer full of Skinny Cows and a frig full of water bottles, so I'm ready!!


Keelie said...

Hmm. We have adapted the same approach to a new decade (I am hitting mine in a few days). Been to all kinds of check ups, working out and eating better. This is the first time weight loss has been about health for me so maybe it will be different than all the times before. I wish you the best on your journey however you are already fab!

ps..rememeber when we did weight watchers the first year at Boals and we walked around the neighborhood after school? random

Sarah S. said...

I want to hear more about the Shake Weight! Perhaps a blog entry? Does it work? Or is it a scam?