Friday, January 22, 2010

A Typical Thursday Night in Frisco??

Last night, I met up with a couple of friends at the "Down Under" in Frisco to hear a favorite band play. I was tired, but was excited to get out of the house and away for a few hours. We got there around 8, ate a little dinner, and then were ready for the band to start at 9.

We had a great table, right up front by the stage. At the long table next to us, it was some Frisco Singles' Meet Up Group. They asked us if we were part of them (at first we thought they were from Met Life), but we quickly assured them that we were not part of their group. They were so friendly that we couldn't help but enjoy watching the party. So let me introduce you to some of my new friends:
  1. Ms. Mom Jeans - This savvy Mom was shaking her Mom jean-moneymaker like she's never shook it before
  2. Mr. Motion Sickness - he danced this swaying side to side move with an occasional snap, I swear he made me feel like I was on a boat during the middle of the Perfect Storm
  3. Ms. Business Suit - it's 9 PM on a Thursday and she's rocking her business suit like she just got off work. She must have danced for 20 minutes, then she sat down. When she came back out, the jacket was gone - Flashdance - oh, what a feeling!!
  4. Mr. Big Baggy Shirt a la 1994 - He was the guy that originally asked us if we were part of their group. He shirt came down to his knees. He did disappear briefly and come back with it tucked in. I marvelled at how it didn't bunge up his jeans with all of that material stuffed in there.
  5. Ms. Stay Classy, Frisco - She had on a shiny black shirt. Not sure why I remember that, but I do remember she had a purse that looked like a container of Chinese take out. It seemed weird, but when I searched the Internet, Chinese Takeout Container Purses are EVERYWHERE - am I missing the newest trend?? What made her classy was she was stuffing her Chinese Takeout Container Purse with the little plastic shotglasses we got when the girl came around and delivered sample shots to the table. So, Ms. Stay Classy has got a great set of plastic shotglasses that say "Hypnotix" on them. That's classy.
  6. Mr. George Takei - Fresh from Star Trek, George Takei was here on the dance floor, working it with anywhere from 1-3 ladies. He really had a lot of spirit and was very light on his feet. My favorite was his Cupid Shuffle dance, he added a lot of hand gestures and snaps to get it just so.
  7. Mr. Tony Manero - another celebrity sighting as I swear I saw Saturday Night Fever's Tony Manero, complete with chest hair, chains, and dirty shadow dancing with his two dates.
  8. Ms. Too Tight - her jeans were too tight, her shirt was too tight... when she was dancing, "it looked like two pigs fightin' under a blanket" <-- can anyone name the movie that line comes from?

I have to say that if this constitutes some of the single pool that's available in Frisco, then I'm not gonna rush out and buy and his/hers ANYTHING any time too soon.

(Ed.'s note: Yes, I know I'm being tacky about these people, but I'm sure there were probably people there that were making fun of our table of people. Such is the circle of club life.)

1 comment:

Sarah S. said...

Movie comment is from Steel Magnolias! Do I win a fabulous prize for knowing that? :-)