Saturday, January 9, 2010

Leap Year (2010)

There really is not much else to do in this severely cold weather except to eat and watch TV and movies. Tonight, Heidi, Amy and I went to grab dinner at Pei Wei (yummo!!) and then went to see the new movie Leap Year, starring Amy Adams (aka Heidi's girl crush).

Amy Adams plays Anna, a woman who has been dating Jeremy for four years. (Jeremy is played by Adam Scott, who I normally like, but in this film he has a lollipop head and is so skinny, think Christian Bale in the Machinist). He's a cardiologist about to go to Ireland for a convention. At dinner before he leaves, Anna thinks he's going to propose, but the box ends up being diamond earrings.

She decides to follow him to Ireland and propose to him on February 29th, Leap Day, which is a tradition in Ireland. The movie is basically about her adventure in getting from Boston to Dublin, with a little help by the Irish Innkeeper Declan (Matthew Goode). You'll have to see the movie to learn anything else.

I will say that Matthew Goode is goode-looking, though I'm not a big fan of beard, more of a shadow would have been nicer. This isn't going to win any Academy Awards, but if you want a fun movie that makes you laugh and may make some of your more sentimental saps cry, then this is a good film. For the purpose of my evening, a night out with the girls, it was a perfect movie!

Mo's Review:
Leap Year (2010): 4 out of 5 stars

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